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Reclaim your house from COVID-19 – Caruana Interiors

March, 2021

Over the past year, we have all had to find ways to make the best of a bad situation. One of the most common sacrifices has been to give up part of your house to either a work or study area. We have given up the kitchen island where we used to gather, talk and cook to the clutter of books, papers, computers, charging cables, and all the bits and pieces that go with them. On top of all of that, our houses have all seen about five years worth of wear and tear in just about one year!

Comfortable workplace of interior designer in office

Caruana Interiors and Contracting has been focusing on helping families get more from their homes for over 14 years now. By pulling together all the specialized people needed to make a renovation successful they let you, the homeowner, keep doing what you need to do. That might be working without the added distraction of managing a construction project or it may mean being able to spend more quality time with the kids.

As spring is starting to poke out from around the corner, now is really the time to reclaim your house from the sacrifices of the last year. It’s not likely we will ever go back to “the way it was,” so let’s make the best of the new normal. Take your kitchen or family room back and make it the place it was before–the place where the family gets together to spend time with each other, not just with their heads down on their devices and trying to cope.

A springtime renovation to make that kitchen workable, or to rearrange and even enlarge the family room, will help take us to a new mindset about the future. Now is the time to start the planning, interviewing a contractor, and looking to the brighter days ahead.

Flexibility is the name of the game!

The new normal at many workplaces is going to be the flexibility to work from home when needed. Whether it is by choice or necessity, chances are, it’s a lifestyle change that every family will have to consider. The best way to reduce stress around this issue is to be prepared. Having a place in the house that can safely and easily be used for either full-time office space or study space is the way of the future. 

Shot of pretty young woman working with laptop and documents in the kitchen at home.

Changing up part of your house is never an easy decision, and it doesn’t mean that the space can’t be used for other things in the meantime. Is there a corner of the living room that no one ever uses and where the furniture just collects dust? Is there a closet or storage area in the basement that is just full of junk? Many places can be turned into safe and effective work and study spaces. All you need is a little inspiration.

At Caruana Interiors and Contracting, we have made finding and developing these spaces a new priority. “Safe and effective” isn’t just a catch phrase. Having a space to work on 

a computer that is ergonomically designed, well lit, with proper ventilation and hard-wired internet, is not a luxury anymore. It really is a necessity, and it is very doable in most homes. All of these things will help the worker or student focus on the task at hand and not get distracted by a slow connection or being too hot or cold. And on top of that, there is much less worry of a sore back, neck, eyes, or arms, from an uncomfortable setup.

Having this dedicated space is truly going to be an inevitability for most people in the coming months and years. Making the space now will help you and your family make the most of the time they need to spend at home.



9, 8 Riel Drive, St. Albert, AB  

This sponsored content was produced in partnership between Caruana Interiors and T8N Magazine

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