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Best of the Web

January, 2017

Air New Zealand Air Safety Videos

In-flight safety demonstrations provide vital information to passengers in case of a mid-air emergency. Unfortunately, for those who fly frequently, the demonstrations and videos often end up as not much more than a boring inconvenience. Air New Zealand hopes to change this perception by upping the production value of its videos a bit by modelling them after popular Hollywood films, with hilarious results. They’re a joy to watch, even when your feet are planted firmly on the ground.


If you find it hard to focus on all the different tasks that make up your day, this is the app for you. Headspace is a guided-meditation program that you can use to get in the right frame of mind for whatever is on your schedule for the day. Sometimes you need to pump yourself up for work, while other times you need to calm yourself down for sleep. Each exercise is 10 minutes long and can even be done subtly in a public space.

Google Feud

This one is for those moments when you need a quick mental break from work. Modelled after the classic game show Family Feud, this game has you trying to complete different google searches based on some of the most commonly searched phrases. It’s a fun and short distraction and shows you how in tune you are with the minds of the googling masses.


Houseplants can change the entire feel of your home, but for those who find themselves botanically challenged, it can be hard to keep them alive. Waterbug is an app that sends you reminders as to which of your plants should be watered and when. Just enter in the name of each species that you’re raising, and it will do the thinking for you, even providing information on ideal light levels and soil conditions on a plant-by-plant basis.

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